Level 2
The level 2 beds are hot, they will help you get a dark tone and maintain it with just 3 visits per week.
Level 2 Bed Free* With a Level 2
Club Membership
Club Membership
- This bed is included with the MBR2
Level 2 Club Membership - $5 Upgrade with an MBR1 Club Membership ($29/Mo*)
- Included with an MBR2 Club Membership ($49/Mo*)
- Included with an MBR3 Club Membership ($59/Mo*)
- Included with an MBR4 Club Membership ($79/Mo*)
- 30-Day Packages include the bed levels equal or less to the package level. Higher bed levels have a discounted upgrade price. There is no startup fee. The package starts the day you buy it and runs for 30 days. You can skip weeks or months between packages (you don't have to renew every month). Package cannot be shared.
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We offer deals several times a week to customers who are on our Mobile SMS alert list!